For the Project Development department we are looking for interns! The following internships / graduation assignments are available. Apply using the apply button and select the (graduation) internship you are interested in.
The internships on this page are:
1 Dutch blending obligations and strategy for HoST;
1 Dutch blending obligations and strategy for HoSt
Suitable for BSc or MSc in Industrial Engineering & Management / Sustainable Energy Technology / Chemical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering combined with an interest in engineering & management
HoSt is the technology provider to convert biomass to sustainable energy and besides being the provider of technology, HoSt also operates 8 installations in the Netherlands. With our own installations we produce sustainable energy which replaces an equivalent of 50.000.000 Nm3 of natural gas. In the Netherlands the blending obligation green gas has been announced and is expected to be implemented in 2025. From that moment onwards, energy suppliers are required to blend green gas into the natural gas grid for the built environment to benefit from clean gas. From 2025 the blending obligation will be increased yearly, resulting in a high demand for green gas. Due to the high demand of green gas HoSt is focussing on the development of green gas projects in the Netherlands. HoSt is therefore looking for an intern to develop a strategy for the project development team. The strategy should result in the highest contribution that HoSt can deliver towards the green gas ambitions in the Netherlands. You will be working in the project development team where we will guide you during the duration of the internship.
Your tasks:
Study the Dutch blending obligation biomethane for the built environment;
Identify the important parameters such as feedstock and technology selection in the blending obligation;
Use the gained insights to develop a strategy for HoSt in order to achieve the highest contribution towards the blending obligation.